Calling all chorus members! Auditions are due no later than tomorrow evening. Please submit your videos to our Edmodo group. Make sure you send the videos as a direct message to Mrs. Endicott, Mrs. Polaski, and Ms. Gibson. All dancers need to sign up for their roles at here!
Congratulations to those who auditioned and received a part in Movement 6. All music, lyrics, and part descriptions can be found on Edmodo.
Looking ahead: Dance auditions for the create your own groups are due NEXT FRIDAY. You have all next week to rehearse and create. Feel free to meet in the music room with your group to pull your routine together.
As always, send an email or direct message over Edmodo to get in touch with me!
Thank you all.
Megan Endicott
A little bit about the music classroom:
In music class students will sing, move, listen, imitate, explore, experience, analyze, classify, create, share, perform, notate, read, improvise, cooperate, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!! We strive to create innovative, engaging lesson plans which include singing, playing instruments, and moving in each of our lessons. Music is important here at Dolvin Elementary. Studies show that students who receive music perform better on tests involving reading, math, problem solving, and logical thinking.