Dear parents,
All 2nd graders should have received part assignments and/or a letter from the music department with information concerning our upcoming musical. Please reach out if you have any questions. Our performance will be November 19th at 6:30 PM. The doors will open at 6:00 PM. See you then!
Chorus students, please have auditions prepared and submitted by this Friday. I will send a message through Edmodo as well. I plan on making a copy of the CD for check-out. The CD will be available tomorrow morning. I hope this will help with formatting problems. If needed, I am in my room in the morning beginning at 7:10 to help students with auditions and other trouble spots.
Parent information about chorus polo shirts and upcoming December concerts will be coming your way shortly! Please let me know right away if you aren't on the e-mail list.
Thank you!
Megan Endicott
A little bit about the music classroom:
In music class students will sing, move, listen, imitate, explore, experience, analyze, classify, create, share, perform, notate, read, improvise, cooperate, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!! We strive to create innovative, engaging lesson plans which include singing, playing instruments, and moving in each of our lessons. Music is important here at Dolvin Elementary. Studies show that students who receive music perform better on tests involving reading, math, problem solving, and logical thinking.