A little bit about the music classroom:

In music class students will sing, move, listen, imitate, explore, experience, analyze, classify, create, share, perform, notate, read, improvise, cooperate, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!! We strive to create innovative, engaging lesson plans which include singing, playing instruments, and moving in each of our lessons. Music is important here at Dolvin Elementary. Studies show that students who receive music perform better on tests involving reading, math, problem solving, and logical thinking.

Friday, January 25, 2013

4th Grade Sound Project

4th Grade Students and Parents,

The music department is teaming up with the fourth grade science teachers to aid in an inclusive study on sound and vibrations. As a part of the unit, each 4th grade student is required to construct an instrument.  Below you will find the requirements for the project and a helpful link with a series of ideas. Their instrument must be from "previously used" or found objects and must change pitch. Please e-mail me if you have any questions or concerns about this project. 

Click here for ideas on making an instrument.

Click here for a printable copy of the homework assignment.
Name ___________________________ Homeroom Teacher ________________
Homework Assignment
-      Find an item or items at home that you could use to make an instrument. Please use only materials that are “previously used” or found. Write possibilities below.
-      Type a paragraph describing: 1. how you chose your materials, 2. How your instrument makes sound.
-      Take a picture of your “found” instrument (If you are unable to take a picture, you may cut pictures of items from a magazine or use clip art).  See other options below for turning in your project.
-      Attach the picture to your typed paragraph
1.  List a few possible found sounds from home. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.    How did you choose your materials? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3.    How does your instrument work? How does it make sound? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4.    Make sure you take a picture and insert it on your typed paper, or bring in your items.  You may also choose to make a video.  You may bring your video in on DVD, CD, jump drive, or SD card.