How does RIGOR look in music?
PowerPoint Presentation from district CST meeting.
Coming Soon! Collaborative Work from GMEA and GMEA presentation materials.
Suggested Apps / Tech Tools:
- Quaver's Marvelous World of Music
- Garageband
- iMovie
- Touchcast
- Do Ink
- Kahoot
- Socrative
- iDoceo
- Symbaloo
- Edmodo
- Educreations
- Today's Meet
- Padlet
- Thinglink
- Vocaroo
- Keynote / PowerPoint
- Class Dojo
- Seesaw
- Kidblog
(Please consider checking out @EndicottSpot on Twitter to see some of the above tools in action)
Suggested Assessments:
Webb's DOK (Level of Thinking) Resource