A little bit about the music classroom:

In music class students will sing, move, listen, imitate, explore, experience, analyze, classify, create, share, perform, notate, read, improvise, cooperate, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!! We strive to create innovative, engaging lesson plans which include singing, playing instruments, and moving in each of our lessons. Music is important here at Dolvin Elementary. Studies show that students who receive music perform better on tests involving reading, math, problem solving, and logical thinking.

Friday, January 24, 2014

4th Grade Instrument Projects!

Dear 4th grade students and parents,


In effort to collaborate with the 4th grade science curriculum on sound, the music department is asking each student to construct an instrument at home that will change pitch.  We have discussed extensively in music class how tension, length, and thickness all factor into changes in pitch.  Additionally, we have spent time discussing possibilities for homemade instruments.  Please refer to the rubric below for requirements to complete this project.  The due date is listed below for your records.  Since we only see your child once a week, it is imperative that projects are turned in on time.  Each child will also need to submit a typed paragraph explaining why they chose to create that particular instrument, how it was made, and how it changes pitch in relation to tension, thickness, or length.  Students may choose to bring in their instrument OR create a video of found sounds that change pitch in the environment.  Students will need to be careful when selecting found sounds as they will need to describe how the pitch changes.  It may be easiest to select environmental sounds that are made with similar materials.  (Example: metal pipes on a playground)  Students may use the bottom of this form as an outline for their paragraphs.  For additional ideas on creating an instrument, please go to the following website at www.nyphilkids.org/lab/main.phtml?


1.      What did you find interesting about this instrument? Or why did you select this instrument to create for your project? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2.      What materials did you use to create your instrument? How did you create your instrument? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3.      How does your instrument work? How does it change pitch in relation to science? (tension, length, thickness, volume) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4.      Construct your instrument and bring it to class to demonstrate OR make a video of your demonstration with either your homemade instrument or a found sound that changes pitch.

Due Dates!
Monday February 3rd - Bell , Felton
Tuesday February 4th - Gilmore, Mentzer
Thursday February 6th - Townsend
Friday February 7th - Dunn

Designing and Making An Instrument : Instrument Creation
Teacher Name: M Endicott
Student Name:     ________________________________________
CATEGORY 4 - Above Standards 3 - Meets Standards 2 - Approaches Standard 1- Below Standard Total
Construction Materials Appropriate materials were selected and creatively modified in ways that made them even better for the purpose. Appropriate materials were selected. Most of the construction materials were appropriate, but 1-2 were not. Construction materials were not appropriate for the purpose.      /4
Appearance Instrument is decorated creatively within the assigned theme. Instrument is decorated attractively. Instrument is decorated, but sort of messy looking. Instrument is not decorated OR is very messy.      /4
Quality of Construction The instrument shows considerable attention to construction. It is sturdy, neat and will stand up to repeated playing over a period of time. The instrument shows considerable attention to construction. It is reasonably sturdy and neat and will stand up to being played more than once. The instrument is neatly constructed but is fragile and will probably not stand up to being played more than once. Pieces are missing or falling off. Seems \"slapped together\" in a hurry.      /4
Quality of Sound Instrument offers a wide dynamic (volume) and/or tonal contrast (pitch).  Instrument offers some dynamic (volume) and/or tonal contrast (pitch). Instrument offers little variety in sound. Instrument offers no variety in sound.      /4
Time And Effort Much time and effort went into planning, design, and construction. Time and effort went into planning, design, and construction. Student could have put in more time and effort at home. Student clearly did some work at home. Student put in no additional effort.      /4
Demonstration Presenter speaks loudly and clearly. Instrument is visible to class and its use demonstrated. The instrument is named and the process for making it is described clearly. Instrument is shown to class and its use demonstrated. The instrument is named and the process for making it is described clearly. It was hard to hear the presenter. Instrument is shown to class and its use demonstrated. The instrument is named and the presenter describes a few of the steps of making it. Instrument is shown to class and is named. The student cannot describe the process used to make it OR cannot demonstrate it.      /4
Paragraph Student typed paragraph and included all needed information. (description of instrument construction, reason for choosing that instrument, and how the instrument changes pitch in relation to science.) Student typed paragraph and included most of the needed information. Student did not include the correct information and / or did not type the paragraph. Student did not complete the typed paragraph.      /4
Knowledge Gained Student can accurately answer 5 questions posed by teacher or peer related to the research, the instrument itself or the process of building it. Student can accurately answer 3-4 questions posed by teacher or peer related to the research, the instrument itself or the process of building it. Student can accurately answer 1-2 questions posed by teacher or peer related to the research, the instrument itself or the process of building it. Student cannot accurately answer questions.      /4
Score         / 32
Date Created: Feb 16, 2013 08:41 am (CST)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Second Semester Chorus

Attention Chorus Members!  Second semester chorus will begin in February.  Letters will be sent home within the next few weeks.  All chorus students participating in second semester chorus will need to return a chorus form.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you!
Megan Endicott