4th graders were asked to think about a book on tape or a movie. Each tells a story. How is this story different from reading a book? How can you take a story and add drama or “life” to the pages in the book? Students in each class first experimented with instrument sounds and sound combinations. Then used what they knew to add sound effects to a list of words. Following this activity, students were taught a song "Where the Wild Things are and inserted the song into the story. Add some drama.... and presto! You have a materpiece! Click on the class below to see each class perform "Where the Wild Things Are". I think it is interesting to see how each classes performance comes out so different.
A little bit about the music classroom:
In music class students will sing, move, listen, imitate, explore, experience, analyze, classify, create, share, perform, notate, read, improvise, cooperate, and most importantly HAVE FUN!!!! We strive to create innovative, engaging lesson plans which include singing, playing instruments, and moving in each of our lessons. Music is important here at Dolvin Elementary. Studies show that students who receive music perform better on tests involving reading, math, problem solving, and logical thinking.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
4th and 5th Grade Mnemonic Devices
4th and 5th Graders learned about Mnemonic Devices and how they can help with memorizing. Every Good Boy Does Fine is a mnemonic device used to help memorize the names of the notes on the lines. Students took EGBDF the notes on the lines and created their own mnemonic devices.
2nd Graders - In the Hall of the Mountain King
Naughty Peer Gynt ventured into the underground kingdom of the trolls where he found himself in a bit of trouble! Students listened the the story of "In the Hall of the Mountain King". Without hearing the ending, they had to listen to Edvard Grieg's indcidental music and decide what the music told them and create their own ending with a matching picture. Some thought he escaped, while others thought we was captured!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
October music....
This month we have focused on pitch, timbre, and connections of music and literature.
Kindergarteners: Kindergarteners reinforced their classroom concepts with pumpkins, bats, and spiders in music in addition to music concepts. Students learned about two new pitch syllables so and mi, hand signs for the new notes, and where they live on a staff with a fun song, "Pumpkin, Pumpkin". They focused on high and low pitches with the Five Little Hoot Owls in which they sang high pitch and acted out the song. They all wanted to be the black cat. Then they transferred high and low vocal pitch to instrumental pitch and accompanied a bat and pumpkin story. The ended their unit with a fun ball game of singing and tossing high and low pitches to one another. They ended the month with an interactive story of "The Very Busy Spider". Students learned about quarter notes (beat) and 8th notes (beat and). They added instrument timbres as sound effects for animals, the song "Little Spider Spins All Day", and acting to the classic Eric Carl story. Kindergarteners had fun describing how music enhanced the story and made it even more interesting.
1st Grade: First graders began their month with pitch as well. They played an instrumental accompaniment to "Pumpkin Stew" and added melodic direction on the glockenspiels. We were able to rotate until everyone had an opportunity to play each part. Then first graders were able to "make" their own pumpkin stew and add any ingredients they wanted. I was glad that we didn't have to eat their creation! We moved into instrument timbre with a poem "Someone" and exciting song "The Thing That Isn't There". Students added various instruments they felt best fit the song to make it sound "creepy".... Then students were able to experiment with enhancing literature with music by choosing their own instrument sound effects to the story of "The Vanishing Pumpkin", song "Off We Go in Search of a Pumpkin", and actors. They had fun trying to act like a 700 year old woman and an 800 year old man! We ended the month with a discussion on melody and melodic direction. We discussed how to predict instrument pitch as high and low based on size and played notes moving upward and downward on barred instruments with the story, "Mortimer".
2nd Grade: Second Graders have been hard at work on their musical, "Spaced Out" in which they performed Monday evening. They did a fantastic job. We hope to spend some time watching their peformance and create music critiques. We had fun focusing on tempo and form with our show tunes. In addition to the their hard work on their musical, 2nd graders found time to work on discussing incidental music with Edvard Grieg's music, "In the Hall of the Mountain King". Students were able to discuss how Grieg's music added background to the story of Henrik Ibsen through the use of a book I created based on Henrik Ibsen's adult drama. We listened to the first part of the story and left off the ending. Then after listening to the music, students were able to create their own ending based what the music told them happened at the end. They had a great time getting to know the story and creating their own ending. It is always fun to allow the students the opportunity to create without there being any wrong answers. To end the month, we had a little fun adding instrumental accompaniment, instrument timbres, and actors to the story "The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything."
3rd Grade: Third Graders started the month off by talking about form and ostinatos with "The Creature in the Classroom". Students were able to perform a 2 part vocal ostinato under the poem. We even included a teacher and creature actors! In addition, students focused on two new forms with "Old Abram Brown" and "Old Roger". First "Old Abram Brown" was a round, then when adding "Old Roger" was transformed into a partner song. Third graders had a blast playing the "Old Roger" game. Third graders also got their hands into enhancing literature with music through the story, "Caps for Sale". Students were able to add their own instrument timbres to words, sing and play the peddler's song, and add a peddler and monkey actors. They had a blast discussing how music changed the story.

4th Grade: Fourth Grade students started the month off by discussing dynamics in music and the importance of dynamics. They experimented conducting each other reading poems and singing songs. They also disucssed the role dynamics play in scary music. Students learned how to identify dynamic markings in music with our song "Come and Sing Together" and added instruments as well as sang the song in a round. 4th graders have begun working on a huge project to fully grasp how music can enhance literature with the story "Where the Wild Things Are". Students first experimented with percussion sound effects and percussion instruments by categorizing instruments and playing each instrument. I think we all needed ear plugs on that day! Then students chose instruments they felt best described particular words in the story. We added a song and accompaniment along with some actors and presto.... we have a master piece. It is fun to see how each class tells their own individual story. I video tape each class perform. This month we plan on watching each performance and critique the differences found. We wrap up the unit by playing a professional version and allowing time for student discussion.
5th Grade: Fifth Grade students started the month off by discussing meter in 6/8 and learning a new note, the dotted quarter note with the song "Bats". Students had to use their knowledge of fractions to understand how meter works and how to divide beats. They had some fun with our song by adding balloons on the rests and adding our song to the story, "Bats at the Beach." They also had fun playing with Carl Orff's mixed meter piece, Tanz, and peacock feathers! Later, 5th graders moved into discusssions on dynamics in music and their importance. They experimented conducting each other reading poems and singing songs. They also disucssed the role dynamics play in scary music. Students learned how to identify dynamic markings in music with our song "The Scarecrow's Dance" and added instruments as well as sang the song in a round. 5th graders have begun working on a huge project to fully grasp how music can enhance literature with the story "The Scarecrow's Dance". Students first experimented with percussion sound effects and percussion instruments by categorizing instruments and playing each instrument. I think we all needed ear plugs on that day! Then students chose words they wanted to accent and instruments they felt best described particular words in the story. We added a song and accompaniment along with some actors and presto.... we have a master piece. It is fun to see how each class tells their own individual story. And like 4th grade, I video tape each class perform. This month we plan on watching each performance and critique the differences found.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
2nd Graders - NEW! Edmodo...
Dear 2nd grade students and parents,
I have created a group on www.edmodo.com for second grade students to join at your convenience. At this point we have music lyrics and mp3's uploaded for student practice covering the upcoming musical. I also copies of important documents and dates listed on the website. I feel this is a valuable resource to aid in communication as well as prepare your child for our upcoming performance. Please follow the directions below to join our group!
Go to www.edmodo.com. If you already have an account, please log in and click on the "join" link on the left column. It is here that you simply enter the code oibcs0. I will leave this code online on this page for one week before I take it down. If you do not have a free account, please click on "I'm a Student" and fill out the form. Please include the group number listed above. This ensures that you join the correct group. Continue to check as this page may include several updates. Your child will have access to music and lyrics to practice from at home. If you are a parent and would like to connect to our page, a separate code is listed that will connect you to your child. Please e-mail me directly if you are interested in obtaining this personal code or you may find it listed on the left column of your student's page upon log in. You may only access this code once your child has completed the sign up process.
As usual, please e-mail me if you have questions! endicott@fultonschools.org I look forward to this new added way of communication. Also, please consider subscribing or following this blog to constant contact.
Thank you,
Megan Endicott
I have created a group on www.edmodo.com for second grade students to join at your convenience. At this point we have music lyrics and mp3's uploaded for student practice covering the upcoming musical. I also copies of important documents and dates listed on the website. I feel this is a valuable resource to aid in communication as well as prepare your child for our upcoming performance. Please follow the directions below to join our group!
Go to www.edmodo.com. If you already have an account, please log in and click on the "join" link on the left column. It is here that you simply enter the code oibcs0. I will leave this code online on this page for one week before I take it down. If you do not have a free account, please click on "I'm a Student" and fill out the form. Please include the group number listed above. This ensures that you join the correct group. Continue to check as this page may include several updates. Your child will have access to music and lyrics to practice from at home. If you are a parent and would like to connect to our page, a separate code is listed that will connect you to your child. Please e-mail me directly if you are interested in obtaining this personal code or you may find it listed on the left column of your student's page upon log in. You may only access this code once your child has completed the sign up process.
As usual, please e-mail me if you have questions! endicott@fultonschools.org I look forward to this new added way of communication. Also, please consider subscribing or following this blog to constant contact.
Thank you,
Megan Endicott
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Attention Chorus parents:
I have recently linked the Chorus through edmodo. Please check your e-mail for the code to join our site. I will keep you updated on forms and song lyrics among many other resources. Please go to www.edmodo.com to join. E-mail me for the special code needed to join our group. I look forward to better communicating with you!
Thank you,
Megan Endicott
I have recently linked the Chorus through edmodo. Please check your e-mail for the code to join our site. I will keep you updated on forms and song lyrics among many other resources. Please go to www.edmodo.com to join. E-mail me for the special code needed to join our group. I look forward to better communicating with you!
Thank you,
Megan Endicott
Friday, October 12, 2012
Attention chorus students and parents:
Auditions sign ups for the December show, Jinglebell Jukebox, need to be completed by next Tuesday. Click on the chorus tab above or click here to sign up.
To avoid disrupting class time, auditions will be held next Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday in the morning from 7:10 - 7:40. Please come to school early on one of those days to complete your audition.
Practice parts can be found online under the Chorus Lyrics tab. We will have a few CDs available for check out for student practice. CDs are limited and may only be checked out for one night. First come first serve.
Good luck, and let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you, Megan Endicott
Auditions sign ups for the December show, Jinglebell Jukebox, need to be completed by next Tuesday. Click on the chorus tab above or click here to sign up.
To avoid disrupting class time, auditions will be held next Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday in the morning from 7:10 - 7:40. Please come to school early on one of those days to complete your audition.
Practice parts can be found online under the Chorus Lyrics tab. We will have a few CDs available for check out for student practice. CDs are limited and may only be checked out for one night. First come first serve.
Good luck, and let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you, Megan Endicott
Friday, September 28, 2012
Quaver's Marvelous World Of Music!
Fulton County School Systems recently purchased a new program to aid in teaching music curriculum; thus welcoming Quaver. Through Quaver's Marvelous World of Music, students are able to learn about music in a whole new light, provide the opportunity to easily compose music online, and connect to music outside the classroom. Read more about Quaver's music program by clicking here. See a special shout out video from Quaver to Dolvin!
Students are given free access to the website to compose, play games, and truly explore music right at their fingertips. For usernames and passwords, please e-mail me at endicott@fultonschools.org. Students are encouraged to visit Quaver and complete various tasks for music tickets. Music tickets earn students prices! Simply go to www.quavermusic.com to let the fun begin.
Challenge yourself with music quests below...
(Thank you Catie Dwinal from Laconia, NH and the Quaver team at http://quavermusicblog.com!)
4th / 5th Grade Students: Meter
3/4, 4/4, 6/8, 2/4? I'm all confused! How about you? follow these directions to learn what all these numbers have to do with meter!
- Jukebox: To figure out meter you have to really listen to the music. Head to the shop and click on the Jukebox. Play three songs and try to figure out whether they are in 3/4, 2/4, or 4/4. Write down your guesses on paper.
- Metro: Now it's time to bring your meter knowledge to the streets. Head to the Metro and choose a stop. Listen to the music, how many songs are in 4/4 there?
- QMeasureUp: Here is the icing on the cake. Head to the QArcade in the Music Room and play a round or two of QMeasureUp. I challenge you to play either medium or hard!
3rd Grade: Pitch
High to low, low to high, up and down it's worth a try! Did you know without pitch, melodies would be quite boring? Follow the steps below to discover the meaning of the musical word: pitch!
- Clown pitch game: Head to the lab and click on the organ. You will travel to EarIQ - a carnival full of games to test your ear training! Practice listening for high and low pitch on the first game. All you have to do is read the directions and poke the right clown on the seesaw.
- Bell game: There is a hidden bell game in the shop! How exciting! Find the game and play it. Read the directions carefully, it's not about size - it's about sound!
- QComposer: Here's your chance to get creative! Create a melody using at least 4 measures.... Go!
K-2nd Grade: Form
It keeps the chaos at bay, it organizes music so it's nice and neat for our listening pleasure. Follow these steps to learn more about form.
- QDancer: form is everywhere, not just music. Check out QDancer in the studio to choreograph some awesome moves. Watch for how perfect each move is, when a move looks great in a dance, that is called having great form.
- QGrooves: ABA, ABACA, AABB. All of these are different forms - each letter is like a pre-packaged little box of music. Head to QGrooves in the Studio and create a song with form ABACA using the boxes of music in there.
- QComposer: Alright, now head to QComposer in the Studio and write me four measures of melody with the form ABAB. If you have to write in ABAB, how many measures are going to be different?
Let me know how it goes!!!!!!
Marvelous Music Creations...
Music Room Business! This is a long one... I promise to post at the end of October to cut down some length next time.
A lot has been going on in the music room since we started in August. All students began the school year learning the ins and outs of steady beat. Students moved to music with and without a steady beat with the song "All in One", and played the steady beat on various classroom instruments. They even had fun taking turns leading their classmates in dance moves to a steady beat with the "Steady Beat Montage"; a compilation of a large variety of genres and tempos. With the help of a new class "friend" Quaver, students connected the steady beat to their heart beat. Older students were able to turn their own beat into a challenging math quest for free music tickets!
The heart beats about 130 times per minute in newborn babies and about 70 times per minute in teenagers. The heart muscle contracts to push blood to the lungs and the body. By checking the pulse, the number of heart beats per minute can be determined. Check your pulse by counting the number of beats in 10 seconds and multiply by 6. What happens after you do 20 jumping jacks. Compare your heartbeat to the newborn baby and the teenager. Where do you fit in?
2nd Grade Students: Second grade students have begun work on their musical. We are currently finishing up auditions now. Please look at the tab labeled "Spaced Out" at the top of this page for lyrics so your child may begin practicing their songs at home. To kick off our musical, I was pleased to show the students pictures of some of the famous and influencial people in our musical as well as share stories about each individual. It was a treat to see how each student reacted to seeing what some of these people looked like. Especially the ones from 190 BC! Relating to students that there were NO cameras back then is shocking to them. And their favorite of course was the discussion of Newton and how he created the law of gravity. Each week I hope to teach students about their musical which will aline with their classroom curriculum. The students had fun sharing their knowledge of the sun and moon before we confirmed their answers correct as it is stated in their new partner song, "We're As Different As Day and Night". As most popular music, our musical song selections have a verse refrain form; therefore, our music concept has focused mostly on form. (organizing music into sections). Students had fun connecting form to music outside the classroom with "September" from Earth, Wind, and Fire. They had so much fun creating a parachute movement, that some of them told me they bought the song on iTunes!

Check out one of our Dolvin kindergarten classes as they perform "Autumn Leaves". I had a kindergarten student volunteer video tape... I'm amazed at how well they know their technology!
4th and 5th graders had fun playing a 3 part ostinati with song Tongo. I love seeing their facial expressions after they finish a performance. One student said, "That was awesome!"
Brown Bear Brown Bear,
fifth grade,
first grade,
fourth grade,
Let It Fall,
Rumble in the Jungle,
second grade,
Spaced Out,
third grade,
Monday, August 27, 2012
Chorus Information!
Fall chorus sign-ups will be sent home this week as your child comes to music class. You may also choose to sign-up online. Please click on the chorus page and follow the directions. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Megan Endicott
Thank you,
Megan Endicott
Monday, August 13, 2012
Welcome Back to School!!!
Welcome back to school Dolvin!
We look forward to another wonderful beginning of the school year. Please e-mail me if you have questions about music class this year. A special message to all fourth and fifth grade students and parents; we will send home chorus information with students within the first two weeks of school regarding specifics and permission forms. Also, be on the lookout for recorder information. I will post all letters sent home on my website for easy access. I look forward to making beautiful music with you this year!
Thank you,
Megan Endicott
We look forward to another wonderful beginning of the school year. Please e-mail me if you have questions about music class this year. A special message to all fourth and fifth grade students and parents; we will send home chorus information with students within the first two weeks of school regarding specifics and permission forms. Also, be on the lookout for recorder information. I will post all letters sent home on my website for easy access. I look forward to making beautiful music with you this year!
Thank you,
Megan Endicott
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Chorus Party TODAY
Our chorus party is this afternoon on the blacktop from 2:30 - 3:30. Pick up will be at the Jones Bridge Road entrance at 3:30. Please see note below for details.
Chorus Cast Party
Please return by May 7th
Our chorus party is this afternoon on the blacktop from 2:30 - 3:30. Pick up will be at the Jones Bridge Road entrance at 3:30. Please see note below for details.
Dear Chorus Parents,
In celebration for another great year, we are holding a chorus cast party during our final chorus rehearsal time, Wednesday, May 9th from 2:30 – 3:30 on the blacktop.
We would like to ask that all 4th graders please bring snacks to share. 5th graders please bring lemonade or juice to share. Mrs. Endicott and Mrs. Clark will provide paper products.
All students will need permission in order to stay after school.
If you are available to chaperone please fill out the following information and return it to the music teachers no later than May 7th.
Thank you!
Megan Endicott & Sara Clark
----------------------------detach here---------------------------
My child ______________________ (please print clearly) has my permission to attend the chorus party May 9th, from 2:30 – 3:30.
Parent Signature _______________________
I will be able to chaperone the Chorus Cast Party on May 9th from 2:30-3:30.
Name ___________________________(please print)
E-mail Address _______________________
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Fine Arts Night - Chorus
Dear Chorus Parents,
Fine Arts Night is quickly approaching! Our performance of Top 40 will be held at the Dolvin Elementary School cafeteria Thursday, May 3rd. Letters have been sent home with students covering extended rehearsals, morning rehearsals for special roles, and costume suggestions for the performance. I hope to have a link to these important papers soon. Costumes need to be pulled together by next Wednesday afternoon. We plan on extending tomorrow afternoon's chorus rehearsal to 4:00 PM. Permission forms are required for student attendance. Please ensure that you have sent in the proper paperwork. Additionally, we plan to extend chorus rehearsal next Wednesday until 4:00 which will serve as our dress rehearsal. Please send your child's costume to school with them on Wednesday, May 2nd. We will be performing for the school Thursday, May 3rd. This performance will be video taped; therefore, your child will need to bring or wear their costume to school Thursday morning. Our performance Thursday, May 3rd will be at 6:00 PM. Students will need to be in the cafeteria by 5:30 in costume. Please e-mail me at endicott@fultonschools.org if you have any further questions.
Thank you,
Fine Arts Night is quickly approaching! Our performance of Top 40 will be held at the Dolvin Elementary School cafeteria Thursday, May 3rd. Letters have been sent home with students covering extended rehearsals, morning rehearsals for special roles, and costume suggestions for the performance. I hope to have a link to these important papers soon. Costumes need to be pulled together by next Wednesday afternoon. We plan on extending tomorrow afternoon's chorus rehearsal to 4:00 PM. Permission forms are required for student attendance. Please ensure that you have sent in the proper paperwork. Additionally, we plan to extend chorus rehearsal next Wednesday until 4:00 which will serve as our dress rehearsal. Please send your child's costume to school with them on Wednesday, May 2nd. We will be performing for the school Thursday, May 3rd. This performance will be video taped; therefore, your child will need to bring or wear their costume to school Thursday morning. Our performance Thursday, May 3rd will be at 6:00 PM. Students will need to be in the cafeteria by 5:30 in costume. Please e-mail me at endicott@fultonschools.org if you have any further questions.
Thank you,
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Chorus Cluster Concert
Our cluster concert is Thursday night, March 29th at Autry Mill Middle School. We will be meeting at the middle school at 6:00 PM. We have asked that you RSVP online for this event or detach the bottom portion of this form and return it to the music department by Thursday morning. You may find the form on the music website at www.dolvinmusicendicott.blogspot.com. Your children have been working hard on the music for this performance and are excited to perform. This is an excellent opportunity for students to get a taste for middle school and high school chorus. We are working on getting the correct number of risers for the performance; therefore your reply is important. Please e-mail the music department if you have any questions concerning this event. Please remember that concert attire is our chorus polo shirt and black pants.
Thank you,
Megan Endicott & Sara Clark
Child’s Name ________________________________________
Parent’s Name _______________________________________
_____ Will attend the concert.
_____ Will not attend the concert
_____ I will need a chorus polo shirt for the performance.
E-mail Address ______________________________________
Signature ___________________________________________
OR RSVP online at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGZFaHlwc1A5LTZGdkxGVDNvQVFxaXc6MQ#gid=0
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Upcoming Chorus Events
Dear Chorus Parents,
We have several exciting events coming up in the months of March and May! Please mark your calendars with these important updates.
March 3rd - Gladiator Game (more information to come)
March 24th - Choral Clinic (forms will be destributed next chorus rehearsal and will need to be returned by February 22nd)
March 29th - Cluster Concert - Autry Mill Middle School
May 3rd - Fine Arts Night performance of Top 40
Please e-mail me if you have any questions about our upcoming events!
Megan Endicott
We have several exciting events coming up in the months of March and May! Please mark your calendars with these important updates.
March 3rd - Gladiator Game (more information to come)
March 24th - Choral Clinic (forms will be destributed next chorus rehearsal and will need to be returned by February 22nd)
March 29th - Cluster Concert - Autry Mill Middle School
May 3rd - Fine Arts Night performance of Top 40
Please e-mail me if you have any questions about our upcoming events!
Megan Endicott
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